The Arduino Yun wil be used as leightweight webserver.
The sketch just puts the values in the Bridge, the webserver reads them from there.
I am using "bottle" as example webserver.
Sketch code:
/* vim: set filetype=cpp: */ #includevoid setup() { Bridge.begin(); } void loop() { char value[40]; // 40 is probably too much uint32_t my_time; uint32_t my_random; while(true) { my_time=millis(); my_random=random(99); ultoa(my_time,value,10); Bridge.put("TIME",value); ultoa(my_random,value,10); Bridge.put("RAND",value); delay(1000); } }
Python code:
#!/usr/bin/python import sys from bottle import run, route, get, post, request sys.path.insert(0, '/usr/lib/python2.7/bridge/') from bridgeclient import BridgeClient as bridgeclient bc = bridgeclient() @route('/status') def status(): try: t = bc.get("TIME") r = bc.get("RAND") return "Time="+t+" Rand="+r except: return "Oops\n" def main(): run(host='', port=48964, debug=True) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
After starting the python code on the linux side you can browse to http://arduino.local:48964/status and get:
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